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Share your memories!

Create a memory poem to share with your family, friends, community and the state.

Kentucky’s “Where I’m From”: A Poetry of Place explores the Commonwealth through memory poems written by those of us who live here. Don’t panic — a memory poem isn’t as difficult as you may think. A “Where I’m From” memory poem is simply a list of what’s important to you.

This is NOT a competition; there will be no winners or losers. Contacts in each county will collect “Where I’m From” poems in Microsoft Word format and randomly select a few to be published on the Kentucky Arts Council website.

“Where I’m From” poems may be written or performed. Audio and video (including live action and animation) poems must be uploaded to YouTube or SoundCloud. All poems must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents, including links to YouTube or SoundCloud files. The arts council will post as many submitted poems as possible. Writer names are optional, but poems must include the writers’ hometowns and counties.