Joining a book club is great for developing a reading routine. Book clubs will also help in book selection, having readers pick up a title that they might not normally read.
Every month, Ms. Dee’s Teen Book Club meets to discuss the book that was selected. This month, readers will be talking about “The Black Witch” by Laurie Forest. The American Booksellers Association reviewed this title and had this to say, “This very engaging YA series deals with difficult topics such as prejudice, hate, intolerance, and stereotypes of other cultures and races…And, yes, some characters have supernatural powers and there is also romance. I would love to see this book as a movie.” – American Booksellers Association
We would love for teens ages 13-19 join our book club. Stop by the library to grab a copy of this book and join us for friendly discussion on Thursday, September 29th @ 5PM.