Outlander Trivia Night

How well do you know the story of Jamie and Claire? Test your knowledge of the book and television series.

This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading program but is open to all.

Call 270-237-3861 to sign up. This program will be held online (Zoom), internet connection is required to participate. Teams of 1-4 participants.

To learn how to join a Zoom meeting click here.

Outlander Trivia Night 2020-05-25T15:36:14+00:00

Mythology in the Stars

Constellations and Greek mythology have been connected for centuries. Learn how to spot constellations and some of the interesting mythology behind them.

This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading program and can be found on Facebook (@acpublib) and YouTube.

Mythology in the Stars 2020-05-25T14:34:19+00:00

Folk Art Tutorial

Join Ms. Mariah for a step-by-step tutorial of how to paint an example of folk art.

This is an Adult Summer Reading program and can be found on Facebook (@acpublib) or YouTube.

Folk Art Tutorial 2020-05-25T14:23:12+00:00

Grim Side of Grimms’

The Grimm brothers popularized many fairy tales like Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel but those stories werent always as child friendly as they are today. Learn about the origins of the Grimm fairy tales and some of the dark original stories.

This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading program and can be found on Facebook (@acpublib) and YouTube.

Grim Side of Grimms’ 2020-05-25T14:09:12+00:00

Fix Up Your Castle

Even Cinderella has to fix up her castle from time to time. Join Ms. Jamie to learn ways to redo your castle in a way that brings you joy.

This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading Program and can be found on Facebook (@acpublib) or YouTube.

Fix Up Your Castle 2020-05-25T14:03:45+00:00

Twilight Trivia Night

Put your knowledge of the fantasy series, Twilight, to the test.  Questions will come from both the books and movies.

This program is part of the Adult Summer Reading program but is open to all.

Call 270-237-3861 to sign up. This program will be held online (Zoom), internet connection is required to participate. Teams of 1-4 participants.

To learn how to join a Zoom meeting click here.

Twilight Trivia Night 2020-05-25T15:38:44+00:00

Imagine Your Story

Telling stories is an essential part of being human. Whether telling the story of your day, a story you have heard, or a made up bedtime story, stories are a part of our every day life.

Join us to learn about the main components of a story and learn about our Imagine Your Story short story contest.

Any adult is welcome to participate in the short story contest but participation is also part of the Adult Summer Reading program. Please submit stories to chelsea@allencountylibrary.com.

Find this video on Facebook (@acpublib) or YouTube.

Imagine Your Story 2020-05-25T12:18:37+00:00

DIY Woven Bookmark

Weaving and textile making is featured in fairy tales like Rumpelstiltskin and Sleeping Beauty. It can also be found in mythology such as the Greek gods Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, the Fates, that use yarn and related tools to decide man’s life, lifespan, and death.

Learn how to make a basic loom out of cardboard and use yarn to weave your own bookmark.

This program can be found on the library’s Facebook (@acpublib) or YouTube. It is also part of our Adult Summer Reading Program. Participants should photograph their bookmark to show their participation.

DIY Woven Bookmark 2020-05-25T12:04:05+00:00