Adult Story Hour

Adult Story Hour is for adults with special needs that meets once a month.  This interactive program welcome adults with disabilities and special needs to make crafts, create art, play games, and explore the library.  Each program is tailored to the audience’s unique interests and ability levels.

This month Ms. Mariah will have the Lego’s out for adults to make creations.  Small Legos as well as Lego Duplos will be available to build.

We hope to see you Tuesday, September 27th @ 5PM.

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Toddler Time

Toddler Time is a fun, fast-paced, & interactive program for children 3 years and under.  The same routine will take place week after week so your child will begin to understand, recognize, and make predictions.  This program is short and sweet, just like your babies.  Mrs. Amanda will read a variety of BIG BOOKs to your child for 15-20 minutes, with lots of songs, movement, and interaction in between.  Afterwards, there will be time for your child to play and interact with other children their age, learning valuable lessons like sharing, dialog, creative play, and more!

Registration is required for all children’s programs.  Sign-ups will begin one week prior to programming date.  To register call, 270-237-3861

Toddler Time 2022-08-16T13:33:06+00:00